Upload your video files and create a DVD or Blu-ray Movie Disc! Need to make one or multiple movie discs for special events or business purposes. We can help you by receiving your uploaded movie files, following your EDL (edit decision list) and burning (duplicating) multiple discs and shipping them out within 24 hours of order receipt. We offer same day order completion and expedited shipping services for rush projects. a movie disc for special eventsIf you want to burn a video disc professionally for storageor give them out as presents. We'll help you place them on DVD, M-DISC or Blu-ray DiscDisc making service is ideal for the following applicationsr and return them to you along with two backup copies - one on archival M-DISC, and the second copy in cloud storage as mp4 movie files for future downloads, edits, and sharing. Priced at $16.50 per DVD, it requires a minimum order of 2 DVDs. Benefits to this service - 1) repair & restore original DVDs for extended use; 2) permanent backup copy on M-DISC, a special archival disc rated by the US Dept. of Defense to last up to 1,000 years; and 3) copy of DVD in editable mp4 movie file format, available for download from complimentary one (1) year cloud storage for easy editing, sharing, and additional backup.
Average turnaround for your order would be two (2) weeks
from receipt of your order into our lab back to your doorstep.
Price is $16.50 per DVD, minimum order is two (2) DVDs. Pricing includes repair of DVDs, making backup copy onto M-DISC, and reformatting DVD contents for placement in complimentary one (1) year cloud storage.
- Your DVDs cleaned and repaired for extended play; inspection and cleaning done by an industrial disc cleaning machine.
- Backup copy placed on M-DISC, rated to last 1,000 years.
- DVD reformatted into mp4 movie files, approximately 1GB in size for each hour of video content, placed in cloud storage for future downloading, editing, and backup purposes. Each data file is labeled initially with customer name, order number, and DVD label.
The reformatting process:
1. Inventory the items, review customer directions;
perform minor video editing that is standard on all orders - removal of blank
video scenes, removal of copyright television or commercial movies, transfer
only home movies' content;
2. Application of fee-based optional video editing or
digital noise reduction as ordered;
3. Transcoding (reformatting) the digital content into H.264 mp4 movie files and placing these into Cloud Storage. Files named according to customer name, order number, and DVD label
4. Original customer DVDs are cleaned and repaired, and returned to the customer, along with the new M-DISC archival disc copy, and mp4 files in the cloud storage.
5. We save copies of new movie files, in our storage network for 90 days, to help in the
event of loss, or need for extra copies, or need for additional editing.