Film Transfer Service for 8mm, Super 8mm, 9.5mm, 16mm, Super 16mm, and 35mm films - converted to JPEG or TIFF or DPX image files, suitable for video editing, approximately 64,000 to 86,000 images for each hour of film.
Calculating Film Feet: Film transfer is priced by the film foot. The table below calculates the amount of film feet. Enter the number of each size film reel in your collection, in the table below, to figure out how much total film footage you have. Each order is a custom job, and final quantity of film feet can be
impacted by removing damaged or blank film, or by the estimation of film
feet being incorrect. We only charge for the actual number of film
feet transferred.
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Scanning Process: We use sprocketless film scanners to digitally scan and
record the entire contents of each frame of your film. Each film frame is captured as a separate image. Using film scanner software, we then produce an image file sequence, with a choice of JPEG or TIFF or DPX files. The image files are the raw capture of the film content, there is no editing by Cintrex. The image files are returned on an external hard-drive. Each movie reel is
assigned its own folder within the storage media; all associated images
from the film reel are placed in this folder. The image files are
ideal for digital photos of specific scenes within film content, and can
be imported into Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere Pro, and other
commercial 3
rd-party video editing systems.
Pricing: The transfer rate varies according to film type and capture resolution.
External Hard-Drive: This product also requires a hard-drive for return transport of the image files back to you. Please include your hard-drive; or you can purchase a hard-drive from Cintrex.
Film with Sound: If the movie films have sound strips, we
can capture the audio as wav files and place in a separate data folder
on the external hard-drive. There is an extra charge of $0.05 per film foot for audio capture, with a minimum order being $25.
Warranty - If we make a mistake, we provide a 90 day warranty on
our work for editing changes or redo's if necessary. Our intent is for
you to be satisfied with the finished product.
This service package includes the following features: