Save your Disc Collection of Home Movies! We reformat your DVDs' content into MP4 movie files and return them via web download or on your storage media, or on storage media purchased from Cintrex. This is an ideal way to share videos, reformat them for possible editing projects, and protect them for future viewers. Priced at $25 per DVD. Quantity discounts begin at 10 or more DVDs. Benefits to this service - Modernize and Protect your video memories.
Average turnaround for your order would be two (2) weeks
from receipt of your order into our lab back to your doorstep.
- Each DVD is reformatted into mp4 movie files, approximately 2GB in size for each
hour of video content. Each data file is labeled initially with
customer name, order number, and disc label.
- We return your original discs and new movie files (either via web download or on physical storage media)
The reformatting process:
1. Inventory the items, review customer directions;
perform minor video editing that is standard on all orders - removal of blank
video scenes, removal of copyright television or commercial movies, transfer
only home movies' content;
2. Transcoding (reformatting) the digital content into customer specified movie files. Files named according to customer name, order number, and disc label
3. Original customer discs are returned to the customer, along with the new data files via web download or applicable media storage device (data disc, flash-drive or hard-drive).
4. We save copies of new movie files, in our storage network for 90 days, to help in the
event of loss, or need for extra copies, or need for additional editing.