Service for digitization of 8mm, Super 8mm, 9.5mm, 16mm, Super 16mm and 35mm films. Various outputs are available - MP4 or MOV files, or DVD. A separate new file for each film reel; with all files being returned via links to our cloud sharing service. The links remain active for 90 days. Basic color correction is included as part of our service.
Pricing - Our transfer rate is 15 cents per film foot ($0.15/ft) for silent films output to 960 x 720p resolution files; or 17 cents per foot ($0.17/ft) for film to DVD (720 x 480 resolution). The transfer rate for 9.5mm rare films is 30 cents per film foot ($0.30). We charge only for the film footage transferred. An invoice is issued at the end of the job, and payment is made via credit card or ACH online link.
Our Basic Film Transfer service does not offer an option to capture sound on movie films. If you have audio on film sound strips, please select the 2K+ Film Transfer service, where there is an option to capture sound on film.
Our lab is in St. Louis, Missouri. Shipping is free for orders of $100 or more.
Calculating Film Feet: Film transfer is priced by the film foot. The table below calculates the amount of film feet. Enter the number of each size film reel in your collection, in the table below, to figure out how much total film footage you have. Each order is a custom job, and final quantity of film feet can be
impacted by removing damaged or blank film, or by the estimation of film
feet being incorrect. We only charge for the actual number of film
feet transferred.
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Scanning Process: All film conversion processes include film inspection, cleaning, repair if needed, basic color correction, and editing for best play. We repair old splices, remove blank film and/or film too damaged to transfer, and replace the leader if necessary. Prior to scanning
your film, we use a Solvon solution to clean and lubricate your film, for a better looking capture.
This service is available for 8mm, Super 8mm, 9.5mm, 16mm, Super 16mm, and 35mm films, whether prints or negative film. We use sprocketless film scanners, equipped with 2K cameras, to digitally scan
and record the entire contents of each frame of your film. The captured film content is first reviewed and edited for good playback, then transcoded into your selected output - as an MP4 file or MOV file with a resolution of 960 x 720p. A separate movie file is made for each film reel. A DVD option is also available. The playback speed varys according to film type, and whether audio is present.
Each film reel is transferred to its own data file. Please number your reels, or we will do this for you. The returned files are labeled as 01, 02, 03, etc.
All original film and film reels are returned to the customer after order completion. NOTE: As standard practice, we return your film to their original reels if reel sizes are 5 inches in diameter or greater. For 50ft (3-inch) and 100ft (4-inch) reels, we aggregate your film onto 400ft take-up reels. If you want your film returned to its original 50ft or 100ft reels, we charge $3 per reel for the extra labor.
Color Correction: We provide Basic Color Correction at no charge - we correct excessive tinting, improve light exposure and shadows, correct saturation as needed. If advanced color correction is needed, we can provide a quote. One of our partners, a certified colorist, charges $50 per finished minute for advanced color correction.
Educational Video Library: Videos on our film transfer process, sample finished product, color correction, and comparsion to previous generation film transfer.
Turnaround: Average turnaround is 2 to 3 weeks from
receipt of your order into our lab back to notification that your movie
files are ready for download.
Instructions: When placing your order in our online ordering system, please include your instructions to us within the comments section. Be specific about how you want your final product output to be organized, telling us what to name the data files, the reel sequence, on-screen titles, etc. If we have questions about your order's instructions, we will email or call you.
Shipping: At the end of the order submittal process, we provide a link to a free UPS Shipping Label for attachment to your inbound package to Cintrex AV. The label will have your origination address and our destination address. Take the UPS labeled package to the nearest UPS drop-off point. Do not leave larger packages unattended outside a UPS dropbox, instead hand your valuable packages over to a store clerk inside a UPS store or drop-off location. Cintrex AV provides free shipping, both ways, on orders valued over
$100. UPS shipping labels are created with your order and available for
printing and attachment to your package. Orders valued at less than $50
are charged a $25 shipping & handling fee, and orders greater than
$50, but less than $100, are charged a $10 shipping fee.
Warranty - If we make a mistake, we provide a 90 day warranty on
our work for editing changes or redo's if necessary. Our intent is for
you to be satisfied with the finished product. All finished jobs are placed in network storage for 90 days as
protection against loss or damage to the original order, or if the
customer wants further editing or extra copies. Replacement cost begins at $50 for a complete original set of MOV files from your order. Pricing can vary depending upon whether the set of files can fit on a flash-drive or requires a hard-drive.