Thank you for your business over the years. We have a new service product to offer for resale. It's called LightJar,
In 5 paragraphs below I review:
A four (4) minute video overview of LightJar is covered in this YouTube video.
(Feedback has been good from alpha and beta customers, and we continue to get new customers signed up via the LightJar website. Within our company we have been using LightJar for the past 5 months to return completed orders to both resellers and the retail public. A few resellers have us return completed ISO disc images via LightJar, and then they burn the DVDs locally, allowing for faster order turnaround when needed.)
Thank you for your consideration.
Customer Support & Training - LightJar Support is responsible for handling customer inquiries and trouble tickets. We have an online support center with an overview of the LightJar service, as well as, sample questions and their answers to the most frequent questions.
Media Kit - We can supply banners for your website, and graphic layouts for sample brochures in your store. We can discuss placement of the messages about LightJar, where on your website or on your store's counter-top or wall.
Get Started - We suggest you visit LightJar and sign up for the 10GB Monthly Plan. The first 30 days are a free trial. Judge the service, test it out, visit the support center, and determine if this is something that you might use in your own business and/or feel comfortable recommending to your customers. If you want to become an affiliate reseller of LightJar, then sign up here to get the process started, receive URL links for your website or business cards, and receive commissions when your referred customers choose Lightjar.
Sign up to become an affiliate and make commission off cloud storage, or call us at 800-325-9541, or write us at
Thank you for your interest!